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Fitness Apps That Actually Works

I mentioned in my earlier post about a fitness regime I was gonna do. Of course, like any other plans I have in life, that one did not go exactly the way I intended it to.
Since I was about to go to the beach in about a month at that time, I decided to just do HIIT and ab workouts along with my everyday afternoon run. The results were visible, but I may have to continue with the workouts and try to be consistent.
It may sound lazy or cliche, but Fitness Apps (available for download in your smart phones) actually works! I made up a list of pros and cons:

  • It's pretty cheap compared to my old gym membership (about a 100 bucks per month or 5,000Php), I paid less than 6 bucks (300Php) for an App
  • I don't have to drive going to the gym because my yoga mat (for stretching and such) fits in my backyard
  • I can do it anytime I want - and not adjust my schedule to my coach's schedule
  • I don't have to use the gym's shower (eww)
  • I don't have to socialise (the anti-social in me is screaming, yey!)
  • If you get lazy - nothing will motivate you because you didn't pay a hundred bucks on your sessions
  • My workout sessions mainly include a dog named Cinnamon who keeps bothering me during my stretching periods
  • If it rains, I'll have to do it inside and not enjoy nature - I realise this is another Pro because the gym just gives me a view of people doing their own thing, so it's more relaxing at home

So here are the apps I used to lose about 15 pounds and gained a few non-visible muscles in 30 days:
These 3, e v e r y d a y.
But you need the proper diet too. LESS sugar, carbs or salty food. Just lessen it - I don't deprive myself too much, I still eat like the little monster that I am and enjoy my occasional cookie or my PMS chips.


Anything won't work, unless you do!

Happy summer!